Thalie Foundation Brussels
April 24th to June 14th 2019
Solo show
Curated by Nathalie Guit

The exhibition En même temps, elle sentit la matière du ciel brings together the paintings by the french artist Karine Rougier and the sculptural ceramics by Italian artist Alessandro Roma.
The artist Karine Rougier is invited to recreate the universe of her Marseille atelier within the space of the Foundation. The exhibition is organized like a real cabinet of curiosities, composed of small formats on wood and showcases in which are exposed the literary and visual sources of the artist, retranscribing as close as possible the singularity of its creation space. Keen on sacred stories and poetry, Karine Rougier takes the path of a magical realism to build her pictorial work.

In resonance with this dreamlike and singular work, Alessandro Roma presents an in situ installation in the two galleries space — composed of a wall painting, 3 handmade books  and a set of ceramic sculptures with vegetal and colored decorations.
Echoing the theme of the annual program The Renaissance, artist as a worker, this proposal reflects the gesture physicality. In reverse of a massive dematerialization, it is a question of returning to the art fundamentals: painting, writing, sculpting.